So yesterday I spent a good amount of time polishing my LinkedIn profile. In the list of people who had recently viewed my profile, I found two names of recruiters for internships I had applied for literally just last Friday! My reactions were surprise that employers seriously search potential employees on the website and relief that my profile was well on it's way to being complete or being an "All-Star" profile as LinkedIn calls it. But that wake-up call really made me think:
If employers actively look up my LinkedIn profile, then there's nothing stopping them from actively looking up my other social network profiles.
So yes, our parents, professors, and advisers were right! If you care about your professional future, watch what you say and post! That means Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vine, Blogs, and whatever else you have.
Jewel's Random TidBits - Even if your profiles have the tightest privacy settings, there are ways of getting past them. Whatever you post on the internet is permanent.