Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Scholarship Feature: iOS Scholarship for Women in Technology

Hey everyone!

I'm back with another scholarship opportunity. Check out the iOS Scholarship for Women in Technology!

Scholarship: $10,000          Deadline: November 15th, 2013 (winners notified by December 16th, 2013)
Application Process: (1) Submit your resume and (2) submit an app proposal as a single PDF document.
Requirements: (1) You must be a woman majoring in computer science or a related field, (2) You must at least be a sophomore in college, (3) You must also accept an internship offer from Apple if you receive one

As I always say.......

If you qualify....apply....you never how far you'll get until you try!
(ooh...that was some cool rhyming there :) )

Anyway, keep me updated if you win! - I LOVE hearing success stories! :)

Jewel's Random TidBits - I found this scholarship through the winners' Facebook page for NCWIT (See how useful they are?!)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Word Choice

I've been writing a lot of emails and cover letters lately and the realization of how important word choice is has really caught my attention.

It's becoming a habit of mine now to check the definitions of certain words and decide if that is really what I want to say before I move on to the next thought. Choosing words correctly is so important for conveying your message properly and presenting yourself in the best way possible.

Check out this web resource I found to help improve writing style through proper word choice: Writing Center Word Choice Style Section.

The section is broken up into six sub-sections that each touch on a specific issue in word choice. My favorite is the sub-section entitled "Use Concrete, Sensory Language". I love when a piece of writing can send its message in fewer words rather than a long winding piece.

No matter what your major or path in life is, effective writing plays a very important role in harnessing your success.

Thanks for reading!

Jewel's Random TidBits - I spent an extra special amount of time choosing my words for this posting. :)